
Featured / World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Forget the game itself. Think of what the soccer can do. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, it can do something far larger than sports itself. That’s why, if you’re going to root for any team in the World Cup other than the U.S., PSP’s Dan Walsh thinks it’s these guys.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Costa Rica

For the next of our CONCACAF brethren at the World Cup, Barb Colligon takes us through her beloved Costa Rica.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: England

Root for England? Tom Paine would be aghast! But that’s what one PSP writer wants you to do as we continue our World Cup series on teams to root for after the United States.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Mexico

No, this is not a misprint. If you’re looking for a second team to support at this summer’s World Cup, look no further than our neighbors to the south. PSP’s World Cup series continues.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Italy

Wait. You want us to root for Italy? Those cheaters? Oh yes, Scott Pugh does, and he makes a great case for it in PSP’s ongoing World Cup series focusing on teams you should cheer for after the United States.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Ghana

PSP’s old contrarian friend Conor O’Grady pitches in on our World Cup series to tell you why Ghana is the team you should root for after the United States. Yes, THAT Ghana. Really.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Spain

PSP’s World Cup series continues as Josh Trott explains why to root for Spain as your second team after the United States. It’s simple: Spain plays fantastic soccer that is fun to watch.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Honduras

PSP’s Second Teams series continues as Kevin Kinkead explains why Honduras should be the second team you root for in the World Cup. Here’s a hint: It makes you look good.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: France

Guest writer Antoine Hoppenot joins PSP’s Second Teams series by telling you exactly why France is the second team you should follow and cheer for after the U.S. in the World Cup.

World Cup: Second Teams

Second Teams: Belgium

After the U.S., who should you root for in the World Cup? PSP is here to tell you. Today, we kick off a three-week series in which our contributors and guest writers convince try to sell you on their respective favorites. We start with Belgium.