
Analysis / Union

Soumare trade gives Union a clean slate

PSP evaluates the Bakary Soumare trade and what it means for Philadelphia Union.

Analysis / Union

Are the Union where they belong?

After 12 games, the Union have beaten up on the weak and been beaten on by the strong. Is this a formula for a playoff run?

Analysis / Union

Union salary breakdown: Steals, deals & … trades?

PSP analyzes Philadelphia Union’s salary breakdown and identifies the steals (like Ray Gaddis, pictured), veteran bargains, surprises, and winner of the Juan Diego Gonzalez Award. Also, we take a look at several potential trade scenarios for Bakary Soumare.


Analysis: Union 0-2 Revolution

The Union’s midfield deficiencies finally caught up to them in their 2-0 loss to New England Revolution.


Dinosaurs and dynamism: The tactical case against Brian Carroll

The conversation on the defensive midfield role on the Union roster continues.