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Breaking News / Union

Union trade Derrick Jones to Nashville SC

The Union collect $175,000 in general allocation money and a sell-on fee for the former Philadelphia Lone Star player from south Philly.

A View from Afar / Analysis / Union

Evaluating the David Accam trade

PSP’s Dan Walsh breaks down the Accam trade and explains why it’s a win for everyone involved, including the Union.

Culture / Front Office

Are college students the answer to Union attendance woes?

Sean Griswold conducted a survey to find out if college students would help Union attendance. Here’s what he found.

Daily news roundups

News roundup: Accam to Crew, Ngalina up, Open Cup!, Bridgeview saga, more

Lots of trades, lots of games, lots of news!

Breaking News / Union

Breaking: Union sign forward Michee Ngalina from Bethlehem Steel

Following the trade of David Accam, the Union announced the signing of 19-year-old forward Michee Ngalina from USL affiliate Bethlehem Steel.

Breaking News / Union

Philadelphia Union’s broadcast to feature more on ESPN+ going forward

The Union’s broadcast duo of JP Dellacamera were rarely heard outside of the Philadelphia tv market. PSP’s Nick Fishman spoke with the Union, who said the team’s feed will feature more often on ESPN+ going forward.

Breaking News / Roster News

Breaking: Union trade David Accam to Columbus Crew

The Union shipped out the club’s leading goal-scorer this season in exchange for half a million in allocation money.

Player of the Week / Union

Player of the Week: Ilsinho

There’s rarely this many deserving candidates for PSP’s POTW. In the end, the Union’s super sub is right choice.

West Chester United

West Chester United advance in the U. S. Open Cup

West Chester United advanced to the second round of the Open Cup, playing their sixth consecutive road game next Wednesday, May 15 in Birmingham Alabama against the Legion.

Daily news roundups

News roundup: Open Cup results, Cincinnati sack coach, Liverpool’s Champions comeback, more

Plus Marco Fabián ready for Toronto, Sky Blue signs Gina Lewandowski, U.S. Soccer’s response to USWNT lawsuit, more.