The 2025 version of Philadelphia Union II as of February 19th
We collect and present everything we know and can guess about the 2025 Philadelphia Union II to date.
We collect and present everything we know and can guess about the 2025 Philadelphia Union II to date.
We give the facts of Union II’s MLS NEXT Pro regular season schedule and speculate why the first months’s games are spaced so far apart.
Primarily to remind everyone of its existence, PSP “guesstimates” what it reasonably can about the 2025 Lamar Hunt US Open Cup.
Union II has publicized its 2024 roster decisions, and PSP has now discussed them.
Arguments for Marlon LeBlanc as the Union’s next head coach.
Tim Jones reports on one of the more important developments of Union II’s history-making season.
Our final compilation of the five organization loan aways remaining in 2024.
Union II’s championship dream ended in the second half in Texas as they gave up three goals after having been up two at halftime.
PSP sets the stage for Union II’s first ever league championship final livestream free on Apple Plus’s MLS Season Pass.
Here is the depth chart that ties all the discussions of individual players provided over the previous six installments into one visual whole.