District Twelve Play-in Round: B Division gets straight A’s
Josh Trott rounds up Catholic League and Public League play-in round results ahead of Tuesday’s playoff quarterfinals.
Josh Trott rounds up Catholic League and Public League play-in round results ahead of Tuesday’s playoff quarterfinals.
Josh Trott rounds up Public League and Catholic League results and standings as the playoffs approach.
Josh Trott ranks the teams within the Catholic and Public Leagues as battles for playoff positions heat up.
He should have been the hero against Chicago. Circumstances may have taken that win away from Amobi Okugo, but he’s definitely PSP’s Player of the Week.
We talk to Sons of Ben president Kenny Hanson about the upcoming open election for two new seats on the group’s governing board.
Josh Trott rounds up the latest Public League and Catholic League boys soccer results.
Josh Trott ranks area teams in the city’s Public and Catholic leagues.
Morgan Langley’s standout performance has the Harrisburg City Islanders ready to contest the USL Pro championship.
Josh Trott on the Benjamin Franklin High School boys team, which is enjoying success as the program enters its second season.
Josh Trott rounds up District 12 boys soccer results.