
A View from Afar / Commentary

The Union start finding some answers

Philadelphia Union never should have been as bad as their record was, and now they’re starting to solve some of the problems that led to that record. PSP’s Dan Walsh looks at how.

Photo By Earl Gardner
A View from Afar / Commentary

The ball goes in, the knives come out

Philly went full Philly on Sunday night, as frustrated fans finally cut loose against Union ownership before a hometown kid scored a dramatic game-winner. PSP’s Dan Walsh lays it out.


What else could go wrong?

What else could go wrong? Well… a lot of stuff. Peter Andrews takes a look in the crystal ball to see what further horrors await the Union this season.

A View from Afar / Commentary

What the next Union general manager must do

Philadelphia Union look like a broken club. What must a new general manager do to fix them? And what kind of person should the Union hire? PSP’s Dan Walsh lays it out.

A View from Afar / Commentary

The difference between a good and bad team

Any team still starting Fabinho deserves to lose. This is not a good team. One PSP contributor has a word about Philadelphia Union’s latest travails.


The blame game

With another late-game collapse in the books, Peter Andrews looks at Jim Curtin’s preseason comments and asks who’s to blame for this team’s weaknesses.


Who do we root for?

On Wednesday night, Jordan Morris caught the eye of millions of USMNT fans. While his future is very much uncertain, he’s already earned a place in the hearts of his fellow diabetics. Peter Andrews explores what Morris means to him.

A View from Afar / Commentary

John McCarthy and other signs for optimism

Hometown boy John McCarthy wasn’t the only good sign for the Union on Saturday, but he certainly was a fun one to watch. PSP’s Dan Walsh looks at that and some of the other good signs on display.


What we learned from a Kansas City collapse

Peter Andrews on why he won’t jump on the Mbolhi-bashing train, Jim Curtin’s bizarre substitution patterns, and the benefits of a few position changes.

A View from Afar / Commentary

Perspective, critique, and change for the Union

Yes, we need to maintain some perspective with some aspects of the Union right now. But other things need some serious critique, while others clearly need a change. PSP’s Dan Walsh breaks them down.