Daily news roundups
Harrisburg City Islander keeper Chencinski training with the Union, Mwanga says playing for the US in the World Cup would be enjoyable, Independence stadium options, Webb says he should have given De Jong a red and more morning news,
Casa Soccer League / Local / Local Leagues
by Adam Cann × on August 26, 2010 at 8:45 am ×
Philadelphia’s largest adult amateur soccer league kicks off its fall season this Saturday. PSP reviews last season and offers predictions for all four divisions, complete with wiseass remarks.
Featured / Union
by Adam Cann × on August 26, 2010 at 8:30 am ×
After drafting young and promising to develop talent, the Union have stuck with weary veterans as they fade from playoff contention. Put the young guys in.
Daily news roundups
Union drop to third in MLS attendance, Heinze linked to MLS move, the Bradley-Aston Villa dance continues, FIFA clear North Korea, the New Mexico women’s soccer hair puller is back, Mourinho disses Cappello, today’s Footy on the Telly and more news on a slow Wednesday. Don’t forget to vote for the Union.
Daily news roundups
by Adam Cann × on August 24, 2010 at 10:28 am ×
Would you rather have Le Toux or Mwanga? It appears the Whitecaps would choose Mwanga.
USMNT / World
A new USMNT prospect appears from nowhere, and some other quick hits for the national team.
Featured / Photo essays / Union
PSP photographer Daniel Gajdamowicz made the trip to DC on Sunday for the Union’s loss. Here’s a photo essay of all the action.
Daily news roundups
by Dan Walsh × on August 23, 2010 at 9:30 am ×
Peter Nowak calls out the Union, Bob Bradley makes googly eyes at Aston Villa, and Joey Barton does his best Ron Jeremy imitation. Yep, it’s the news roundup from the weekend.
Featured / Independence / Indy match reports
The Independence missed an opportunity to solidify their hold on second place with a 1-0 road loss to Sky Blue FC in a match that featured a 112 minute rain delay.
Union / Union match reports
A blow-by-blow recap of the Union’s loss to D.C. United.