Fans’ View

Fans' View

What if we throw a party and nobody comes?

The winter of our discontent is over. The sun is shining over Chester and it’s time to warm to the team again. It is time that all fans great and small fill the stadium again. It is time we made this a glorious summer.

Fans' View

Fans’ View: News at 11 is that you peaked at 18

The middle ground that exists between burning out and fading away…It exists. if only Freddy would take it.

Photo by Earl Gardner
Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ view: Real life doesn’t come with Ctrl+Z

If the team can’t outshine chicken, can they really expect to outshine the real competition?

Photo by Earl Gardner
Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: C’mon you Boys in Blue (or black — your call, really)

One Union fan traces out his excited lead-up to opening day, laying out the good, the bad, and … the familiar.

Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: A miracle (until proven otherwise)

Undefeated in 2013! (so far)

Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: Bye, bye Beckham

A lot has changed since Beckham joined the league six years ago. With his departure imminent, Tim Carr looks back.

Fans' View

Fans’ View: Three-Bloody-Nil

Sure, the season ended on a low note (that was a quarter-step flat to boot), but would it have made sense any other way?

Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: Freedom’s just another word

Yes, the Union season drifts to an ignominious end. Yet the young lads are playing it out loud and proud.

Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: Come Together

As in music, there are supergroups in soccer. But big names don’t guarantee chemistry.

Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: You’ll never DOOP alone

Some see the Union’s third season as a failure. But Tim Carr thinks the tough season has only brought Union fans closer together.