Articles written by: Tim Carr

Tim is a writer, drummer, dad, amateur dog walker, Ramones fan, commish of fantasy footie league “CROUCH Potato” and is still trying to get over that Zidane headbutt. Follow him on Twitter at @Tim_Carr.

Guest Column

Ronaldinho and 28 hours of mystery

Tim Carr was hoping Wednesday’s major Union announcement was about a certain Brazilian.

Fans' View

Fans’ view: Mo money, mo problems

Tim Carr says with the SuperDraft in Philly, if the league really is holding up the Edu to the Union deal, things are about to get very interesting.

Fans' View

Fans’ View: If you spend it, more will come

Tim Carr argues the Union have most of the components to be the kind of team the major Philly market deserves. All that is needed now is to splash some cash.

Photo By Earl Gardner
Fans' View

Fans’ View: Superstition and the U

Tim Carr wants that winning feeling back for the Union and he’s willing to try just about anything to do his part.

Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: Bye, bye Beckham

A lot has changed since Beckham joined the league six years ago. With his departure imminent, Tim Carr looks back.

Fans' View / Featured

Fans’ View: You’ll never DOOP alone

Some see the Union’s third season as a failure. But Tim Carr thinks the tough season has only brought Union fans closer together.

Featured / Union

The List

It was a rough weekend for Union fans. Tim Carr seeks to lighten the mood with The List.


Forget the Oscars, it’s Uni time!

As the world turns its attention to the Oscars and the best movies of 2011, guest contributor Tim Carr turns our attention to the Unis and some of the best Union moments of 2011.

Fan Culture

You just got Seba, you lucky b@stards

One fan has a message for Vancouver: “You just got Sebastien Le Toux, lucky b@stards.”

Featured / Local

One fan’s trip to PPL

Volunteering before Saturday’s game against Toronto, one Union supporter’s trip to PPL Park took an unexpected turn.