Daily news roundups / Featured
Anticipation among the Union players that PPL will “go off the rocker is palpable in the locker room.” Nowak warns not to take Vancouver lightly, says starting lineup is flexible. Vancouver national call ups, injury report update. Ochocinco may be a grandstander, but he’s not stupid. La Liga Week 30 postponed over TV money dispute, more news.
Featured / Photo essays
The PSP’s Nicolae Stoian’s photo essay of the Meet the Players fan event at PPL Park
Daily news roundups / Featured
Hundreds turn out for Tuesday’s fan event at PPL Park. Vancouver could be missing up to four starters for Saturday’s Home Opener. Ochocinco malarkey continues. Qatar proposes building artificial cloud for 2022 World Cup, Man Utd posts $177 million in losses for 2010, more news plus video of Obama kick about in Brazil.
Featured / Union
Union supporters on hand for the PSP season opener viewing party were generally pleased with what they saw, particularly the newly confident backline.
Fan Culture / Featured
Sons of Ben member Guido Gaeffke was part of the traveling support at the Union’s win in Houston. Now back in Philly, Guido reports on his trip.
Featured / MLS
It’s hard to enjoy three points when this year’s win looks like so many losses from 2010.
Featured / Union / Union match reports
Danny Califf settled a sloppy opening game with his first ever Union goal and Faryd Mondragon commanded the defense to a clean sheet, as Philly topped Houston 1-0. PSP has a full recap, video highlights and player ratings.
Featured / Live coverage
The PSP is proud to launch live minute-by-minute coverage of every Union away game in 2011 with the season opener against Houston. This edition will be coming to you live from the PSP viewing party at the 700 in Northern Liberties.
The Union bring their roster to 25 with the signing of forward Levi Houapeu and midfielders Gabriel Farfan and Keon Daniel.
Featured / Match previews / Union
by Adam Cann × on March 18, 2011 at 12:00 pm ×
One of the Union’s two road wins came at Houston last year. Both Danny Mwanga and Shea Salinas had breakout games. Who will be the big name this year as the Union travel to Robertson Stadium to open the 2011 season?