
Featured / Union / Union match reports

Houston Dynamo 0 – 1 Philadelphia Union

Danny Califf settled a sloppy opening game with his first ever Union goal and Faryd Mondragon commanded the defense to a clean sheet, as Philly topped Houston 1-0. PSP has a full recap, video highlights and player ratings.

Featured / Match previews / Union

Preview: Union at Houston Dynamo

One of the Union’s two road wins came at Houston last year. Both Danny Mwanga and Shea Salinas had breakout games. Who will be the big name this year as the Union travel to Robertson Stadium to open the 2011 season?

Featured / Union

2011 Union roundtable, part 2

We conclude our roundtable discussion of the Union at the start of the 2011 season, with one addition to the chat.

Featured / Union

2011 Union roundtable, part 1

The Union’s 2011 preseason has been filled with so many questions. As the season opener draws ever closer, the PSP has part one of a roundtable discussion about some of those questions.

Featured / Union

“It will be a fluid system”: Nowak talks tactics

In a conference call on Wednesday, Union manager Peter Nowak talked about keeping the team’s tactics fluid, what the young talent is showing in camp, and cutting the goals in half this year.

Featured / Union

Full Union broadcast schedule: All over the dial

The full Union 2011 broadcast schedule is released. The team joins the rest of Philadelphia’s sports world on Comcast SportsNet.

Featured / Union

Can we just get to the soccer already?

With the Year Two bearing down on us, the Union’s preseason off the field leaves a sour taste for even the most rabid supporters.

Featured / Union

“Let us play the game and be ready for March 19”

Jonathan Tannenwald of Philly.com’s The Goalkeeper has posted further quotes from Wednesday’s press conference with Peter Nowak.

Featured / Union

“The roster still is not complete”

Peter Nowak spoke to reporters today via teleconference from Greece. He said the roster is not complete, that the club decided not to exercise the option to buy Orozco Fiscal at the end of his one-year loan on January 1. He said many are “looking at snaps rather than the big picture.”

Featured / Union

Union Math: – 2 + 2 = where’s Orozco Fiscal?

The Union sign Ryan Richter and Thorne Holder while waiving Nick Zimmerman and JT Noone. Meanwhile, Michael Orzco Fiscal has disappeared from the roster.