Philly Soccer Page Info

Another note to our readers

Photo: Ruairi Rossi

Everyone at PSP was touched by the reaction to last week’s post about the future of the site, and we want to give our longtime community a brief, positive update.

In that post, we called for volunteers to join PSP as its next generation of editors and writers.

Happily, we received an enthusiastic response from many volunteers.

While we’re not yet ready to make any public announcements, we feel confident in saying that the Philly Soccer Page will continue into 2024 (and hopefully well beyond).

If you reached out to volunteer your services and haven’t heard from us, please be patient.  We’re working on a transition to new leadership, and we’re still figuring out the exact details of what that will look like.

Once that’s underway, we’ll reach out to volunteers — new and old — and start ramping up again.

Once again, thank you to everyone for their support of PSP.  We look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Peter Andrews


  1. Phew!…Thanks for keeping this great site going another year!

  2. I am late to the party, but happy to volunteer as well. This site has been the best at contributing REAL insight and often find myself agreeing to most of what is written.


  3. This is great news! Surprised you did not ask for volunteers before sending out the previous note …..

    • Guido, the previous note *was* an ask for volunteers. I thought it was important to be clear that volunteers were absolutely necessary for the site’s survival, given that we asked for volunteers at the start of last season (and in previous years) with little response. Thankfully, the response has vindicated our approach!

  4. This is great news!

  5. I would have volunteered last year, but didn’t find the site until this year. LOL Not sure what we can do to increase visibility and exposure to the site going forward (assuming it continues).

  6. Great news! All the current and past volunteers have done an absolutely phenomenal job with this site over the years. It’s a treasure. Glad it will continue.

  7. This is really great news, thanks all!!

  8. Off topic, but what does everyone know about the new guy, sanders ngabo? He’s young (19) and plays in the danish league where he got a couple goal contributions. Will he be in the first team picture at all or just a union 2 player?

    • On the website that the club itself runs, there is a video of the end-of-season press conference with Ernst Tanner and Jim Curtin. it is included it or juxtaposed with the article headed Takeaways from the End-of-season press conference or some such of that general ilk.
      Tanner was asked about Ngabo and gave a summary. The video is 37 minutes or thereabouts in total and I don’t know where in the tape the cogent segment occurred. It was not early.
      Key points I remember were that he got injured and was trying to recover, and that during his recovery his club was in a serious relegation struggle and — by implication — could not risk giing him rehabilitation minutes at the risk of being relegated. Tanner closed by saying that Philadelphia almost had to sign him given its youth player development mission and its goal of proving that it was one of the best at so doing.

  9. Murphthesurf says:

    Excellent news!
    Thank you!

  10. Glad to hear. Best wishes to onboarding new talent

  11. OneManWolfpack says:


  12. So glad that so many have stepped forward! Thank you, Peter, and all.

  13. Good news! I could certainly see quitting after another very frustrating Union season. Thank you for the many great articles that this site has provided, it’s THE go to site for Union info.

  14. PaulContinuum22 says:

    If anybody cares, Columbus won today. Glad PSP survived.

  15. Agreed. Was cheering against LAFC. I understand the club philosophy and approach, but am worried that unless we significantly improve our striking ability we will, at best, be mid-tier in the East next year. Uhre hasn’t panned out and it’s strange that Tai isn’t even around. Carranza has moments of brilliance and then a lot of missed kicks, etc. Also noticed that in the Cincy game Uhre and Carranza were almost stepping on each other and not spread out. I hope next year that we can find a consistent striker on the market.

  16. I had hope that there would be a good response to the volunteer request. This is not the first time this site has faced this dilemma. I lack any training and honesty I don’t know if I could offer the time needed. Hope everything works out with the new folks at the helm. As the man says, the more things change the more they stay the same!

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