PSP photographer Nicolae Stoian, who covered the 2010 Homeless World Cup in Brazil, has just returned from Paris where he covered the 2011 Homeless World Cup. Over 300 street soccer matches were played by 64 national teams of homeless men and women players. Kenya’s women’s team defeated Mexico’s women’s team 4–3 in the women’s final while Scotland defeated Mexico 4–3 in the men’s final. Here’s a look at what Nicolae saw.
Chile vs Czech
Nigeria’s team dance before the game
Scotland’s women’s team vs Kenya’s women’s team
Brazil getting ready for the game against Scotland
Mexico’s women’s team prepare to take the field
Kenya vs Mexico before the Homeless World Cup women’s final
Kenya’s keeper making the save
Kenya vs Mexico—the agony of defeat
Emmanuel Petit at Homeless World Cup 2011. The French footballer played his club football for Monaco, Arsenal, Barcelona, and Chelsea
Brazil vs Mexico in the semifinal
Mexico’s keeper celebrating victory over Brazil
Kenya vs Scotland in the semifinal
Kenya ‘s team at half time game against Scotland
Scotland’s keeper making a save in the final against Mexico
The Mexico team is consoled by spectators after Scotland’s victory in the final
Scotland, winners of the 2011 Homeless World Cup
For a look at Nicolae’s photo essays from the 2010 Homeless World Cup, click here and here.
Great pictures, Nicolae!!!
It’s always a great experience to shoot there!Thanks!