All Three Points

All Three Points podcast: We’ve been away but now we’re back

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room: Elephant, we’ve been gone a long time. But now we’re back, and we’re going to be recording every two weeks from here on in, so help us. We’re also tightening things up, keeping the show shorter and sweeter, and restricting ourselves to our eponymous Three Points, rather than blathering on. Although we can’t promise there will be no blather at all.

So let’s dive in:

  1. Union 2–1 Houston: The Union followed up a demolition of DC with a workmanlike performance that, nonetheless, seemed to indicate the team wouldn’t fade from contention.
  2. Chicago 2–0 Union: The Union followed that up with a performance that looked a lot like a fade from contention.
  3. Union 3–1 DC: The Union bounced back yet again, blowing away DC for 45 minutes before holding serve in the second half. And now here comes Atlanta…

Listen to the episode using the player below, or download the file directly. Catch up with Chris and Jeremy on Twitter @all3points, or leave a comment here.

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