Photograph Gerald van Wilgen
What is you name?
Where do you live?
South Jersey.
How long have you been for working with the Union?
For the Union? About a year.
You work for..
I work for a staffing company. Spectra.
Ah..So you work at other venues as well.
Yes. We do stadiums, we do the Linc, country clubs, buffets, banquets, stuff like that.
How do the soccer fans compare?
They are not as bad as football fans. I can tell you that. Football fans are a lot more rowdy.
In what way?
… They are a lot more rowdy. It’s more laid back here. It’s nice. It’s a nice day.
Do you know anything about soccer?
I just know it never gets rained out.
Have you seen a game before?
I’ve watched it.
So what do you think?
I think it’s good. I like soccer. I mean, I’m not really into sports like that… I wouldn’t even be able to tell you who is playing. I don’t know the players. I can tell you who they are playing today. [She picks up a clip board.] Salt Lake City! I don’t usually follow it.
Do you think there is a disconnect between people like you and the fans?
I have the regular ones who come back to the same stand, you know, card holders. And people that I know will come meet me here. Some people that I know have season tickets
Do you like your job?
What do you like about it?
It’s always different, I come here once a month, but I’m here all the time.
But you’re hoping they’’ll win right?
I hope we don’t lose! Of course I’m for my home team!
Yeah but are you “with” the game while you are working here?
I worked in a casino for 30 years so..
I mean, while the game is going on while you are working, right? Are you aware of how the team is doing?
You can hear the “yeah!!” or “aaw…”
Is there a correlation between how they play and how much beer you sell?
Depends on the team, like certain teams we cannot give you the can. When we play New York, you’re in plastic. Because I guess they’re rivals, you know. And if you’re up in the top… plastic.
“I come here once a month, but I’m here all the time.”
I think you were supposed to solve this riddle