Photos: Courtesy of WIP
I’ve been trying to tell people that there aren’t as many soccer haters in the Philadelphia media as you might think.
Sure, you still hear the comments from personalities who are usually older and almost certainly Caucasian — i.e. soccer is “gay” or “European,” or there’s “not enough scoring,” or you “can’t use your hands,” or whatever.
Those people still exist, and that’s alright. They can believe what they want. I don’t agree with them, but I also don’t think it’s the business of soccer fans to try to convert non-fans, or demand respect, or tell other people what to think.

Everyone’s favorite radio host. Even Angelo was talking soccer during the World Cup.
Being antagonistic towards non-soccer fans doesn’t serve much of a purpose.
You might notice, however, that the sniping has dramatically decreased in recent years.
Here we are, in 2014, with World Cup watch parties all over the city. Sebastien Le Toux is hanging out with Action News. Comcast Sportsnet has reporters at the Piazza. 97.5 the Fanatic actually preempted programming to play the radio feed of the USA and Germany game. Sports Radio 94 WIP took soccer phone calls. Jim Curtin was a guest (twice!) on Angelo Cataldi’s show.
This is stuff that you did not see in 2010.
My main job is over at CBS 3 as a writer and a news/sports producer. I work with some really cool people who know a LOT about sports. Our sister station is WIP, and I’m friendly with a lot of the talent over there. I’ve also been invited to talk soccer with Sean Brace over at 97.5, and I’ve been welcomed into the WURD studios to talk World Cup with Phil Allen, who you probably know as “Phil from Mount Airy”.
As a result of that, I’ve learned that a lot of people in the Philly media actually like the sport. They actively follow it and they like to talk about it. Soccer talk on the radio is never going to replace the Eagles and the Phillies, but programming and topical decisions are usually made by executives and based on demographic and listener-styled statistics anyway. The hosts don’t make the decisions. Everything is based on the demo, and right now, the Philadelphia Union and the EPL simply can’t compete with the bigger sports in town.
I hope it progresses that way. I’m a “five for five” guy – Eagles, Phillies, Flyers, Union, and maybe the Sixers if Sam Hinkie’s draft picks ever freaking play.
Below is a collection of Philly sports media people tweeting about Soccer (or coming out of the closet in a weird way?)
Glen Macnow, Sports Radio 94 WIP host, conceding a point
“@PhillyLoyalty: @RealGlenMacnow Respect ur opinion but ur dead wrong on #worldcup #soccer the TV ratings don’t lie.” I concede that point.
— Glen Macnow (@RealGlenMacnow) June 23, 2014
Ike Reese, Sports Radio 94 WIP, former Eagle
Hold up, tweeps! Gooooooooaaaaaaaaallllllllll!!!!!!!! #USA #USA
— Ike Reese (@Ike58Reese) July 1, 2014
No way we(USA) should be in this game right now! #GoalieStandingOnHisHead #TimHowardForPresident #USAvsBEL #USA #USA #USA
— Ike Reese (@Ike58Reese) July 1, 2014
Tony Bruno, formerly of 97.5 the Fanatic (long time soccer fan)
Yep, Soccer is such a boring sport! #SaidNoOneWhoHasEverWatchedAWorldCupGame #USA
— Tony Bruno (@TonyBrunoShow) June 17, 2014
Harry Mayes, 97.5 the Fanatic (Everton fan)
Best players on pitch were from #EvertonFC today…Lukaku and Howard. Represent. #USAvsBEL
— harry maYES (@HARRYMAYES975) July 1, 2014
Paul Jolovitz, Sports Radio 94 WIP (long time soccer fan)
i am really excited and not afraid to say it USA!!!!!!
— paul jolovitz (@jollywipradio) July 1, 2014
Sean Brace, 97.5 the Fanatic
Nice run @ussoccer! So many people enjoyed it. Now go @PhilaUnion!!! Thx @jspeedymorris22 & @ChickiesnPetes for having us today!
— Sean Brace (@SeanBrace975) July 1, 2014
Pat Gallen, 97.5 the Fanatic
I mean you’ve gotta be a soccer fan after that, no? Ian Darke plus an unbelievable ending. Get on board!
— Pat Gallen (@PatGallen_975) June 28, 2014
Jason Myrtetus, 97.5 the Fanatic producer (making a point that I pretty much agree with)
How can we say soccer in the us was a success? The US team all said and done won one game. Is that a success? I don’t think so. #justsayin
— Jason Myrtetus (@jasonmyrt) July 2, 2014
Steve Bucci, CSN Philly
Watching World Cup soccer in the rain on Locust St
— Steve Bucci (@stevebooch) June 22, 2014
Al Morganti, CSN Philly and Sports Radio 94 WIP
Tim Howard reminded me of Dom Hasek! Great show.
— al morganti (@nufced) July 1, 2014
Reuben Frank, CSN Philly and Sports Radio 94 WIP
My one soccer stat for the year: All 6 of Belgium’s goals at the World Cup have come in the final 20 minutes of the game.
— Reuben Frank (@RoobCSN) July 1, 2014
Nick Kayal, 97.5 the Fanatic
Absolutely sensational calls tonite on soccer, Team USA & World Cup. Major respect to the quality of the calls tonight on a different topic!
— Nick Kayal (@NK975) June 18, 2014
Brian Startare, 97.5 the Fanatic
Thank you @USMNT for an outstanding effort and making our country proud. It was fun to watch & wave the flag. Turned this guy into a WC Fan
— Brian Startare (@brianstartare) July 2, 2014
The World Cup’s pageantry and history has draw this common fan to watch soccer. Impressed with the intensity. Fun to watch your country win!
— Brian Startare (@brianstartare) June 17, 2014
Les Bowen, Eagles beat writer for the Philadelphia Daily News
If you’re among those folks who think USMNT advancing w/a loss is odd, check back w/me when your team makes playoffs cuz somebody else lost
— Les Bowen (@LesBowen) June 27, 2014
‘Cept for the goal, US the better team. D mistake , but did Howard go down too soon out of panic?
— Les Bowen (@LesBowen) June 24, 2014
Mike Missanelli, 97.5 the Fanatic
I’ve read 2 anti-soccer columns now by people who construct straw men, an imagined group of soccer fans who bully them about not liking it.
— Mike Missanelli (@MikeMiss975) June 22, 2014
Paul Domowitch, Eagles beat writer for the Philadelphia Daily News
Enough with the “valiant effort” crap. Once again, you’ve got a U.S. team with too few guys with exceptional 1v.1 skills. — Paul Domowitch (@pdomo) July 1, 2014
Jeff McClane, Eagles beat writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer
I. Believe. That. We. Will. Win. #ussoccer — Jeff McLane (@Jeff_McLane) June 22, 2014
People, trust me, the defensive failure to mark Varela was far worse than Bradley’s turnover/failure to boot ball away. — Jeff McLane (@Jeff_McLane) June 23, 2014
John Lamb, 97.5 the Fanatic social media/producer
@DaveZeitlin FYI: we hate soccer so much we’re preempting regular programming to broadcast the final group game. — John Lamb (@jlamb975) June 23, 2014
Bob Ford, respected Philly sports writer taking a stab at soccer tactics
GER will target Gonzalez, hoping to get US a man down. Sub him out? Should be considered. — Bob Ford (@bobfordsports) June 26, 2014
Just those pictures of Cataldi make me want to wretch
I was listening to Harry Mayes and Nick Kayal on the way in this morning (I was late thanks to an oh-so-fun dentist appt). The conversation was good – some talk about the Union (including encouraging people to go check them out), some discussion about the game (mostly Howard’s performance), and some discussion about “the next step” (which they think is getting the superstar athlete to play soccer instead of football or baseball or basketball, and until MLS can pay up that probably won’t happen).
All in all, it was good talk. It was nice to hear the Union mentioned positively, and to hear soccer talk that wasn’t, “But you can’t use your hands!”
I never understood the hate and vitriol some people spew (in general, not so much in this article) about the sport. I’m glad people have gotten to a level of respect, and even enjoyment. As stated at the top of the article, we as soccer fans don’t have a right to force it down peoples throats. I just hope people see it for what it is, and stay on board with the USMNT, and hopefully get on board with the Union.
All in all, I’m happy with the positive turn soccer has FINALLY taken in this country.
The only issue I have with the mainstream hatred are the Jim Rome Clones that feel the need to pick a fight with soccer fans. Look, if you don’t like soccer, don’t talk about it. We’re perfectly content discussing it on PSP and in other forums where opinions are appreciated.
But Kevin, you are absolutely right. The bile that we have all become accustomed to has been lessened. It was a begrudging respect for a while, and then the non-soccer types got caught up in the drama. It was hard not to. But now that it’s over (for the US, anyway), let’s see if things revert back to the normal snarky levels.
Again, if you’re a talk show host and you don’t like soccer, just take another call from Bob from Fishtown to talk about how the 3-4 will finally get the Eagles to the Super Bowl. (Or whatever inane point the random caller feels the need to bring up.)