Daily news roundups

More delicious World Cup news

The US at the World Cup

Slovenia’s Andrej Komac has “guaranteed” that his team will beat the US on Friday. Tim Howard thinks differently: “I think talk is cheap . . . a lot of boxers talk, too, and they’re looking up at the lights. And the next thing they know, they’re trying to figure out how they got there.”

Sports Illustrated looks at how the tactical systems of the US and Slovenia are very similar.

The Washington Post looks at Robbie Findley. My favorite part is where he talks about waiting in the players tunnel before the match against England: “I saw a whole bunch of guys that I have been watching [on TV] . . . I took it all in.”

Oguchi Onyewu is a hit with the staff of the hotel where the US team is staying. “People that work at the hotels or whatever seem to smile whenever I walk around. Maybe they’re scared of me.” He calls Friday’s match against Slovenia a “must win.”

USA Today looks at the improbable paths that have brought Herculez Gomez and Jay DeMerit to the World Cup.

Similarly, this excellent article looks at the rapidly growing interest in soccer in the US and answers the boringly obvious statement that soccer is not the number one sport in this country with a question: Who cares? Meanwhile, Time looks at why the World Cup TV ratings are so strong.

Glenn Beck recently said, “It doesn’t matter how you try to sell it to us, it doesn’t matter how many celebrities you get, it doesn’t matter how many bars open early, it doesn’t matter how many beer commercials they run, we don’t want the World Cup, we don’t like the World Cup, we don’t like soccer, we want nothing to do with it.” This piece offers a response: Shut up.

Salon remembers the Women’s World Cup final of 1999—the one featuring that oh so famous bra—and the most watched soccer match in US history.

The Spain upset, etc.

Here’s a roundup of reactions in the Spanish press to Spain’s shock 1-0 loss to Switzerland. And here’s the reaction in the Swiss press.

Do you know someone who still doesn’t get what the big deal over the World Cup is all about? Tell him to read this piece about how rebuilding in Haiti is on hold while the World Cup is on.

TV ratings may be strong for the World Cup but attendance has been disappointing. This piece looks at why there are so many empty seats.

Vanity Fair has a refreshingly thoughtful piece on the history of the World Cup soccer ball, supplied by Adidas since 1970. Check out the cool photo gallery.

A Johannesburg Times poll asked what is the most annoying sound in the world. 76% said vuvzelas.


Remember the Union? Here’s a piece on teenage heart throb Jack McInerney from a website that appears to be directed toward teenage girls.

The Union has a new “founding corporate partner:” Anheuser-Busch.

If the Harrisburg City Islanders beat PDL side Long Island Rough Riders on Tuesday in the next round of the US Open Cup they will host New York Red Bulls on June 29.

Union partner in the PDL Reading United lost to USL-2 side Real Monarchs 2–1 in overtime in the US Open Cup on Tuesday.

North Korea 1–2 Brazil Match Highlights


  1. Brion Shreffler says:

    Whichever actor it is playing Glenn Beck sure is a brilliant guy. He’s built quite a cult following.

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