Philly Soccer Page’s wonderful volunteer staff of writers, editors, photographers, web specialists and others brought this unique 15-year-old experiment in contributory soccer journalism back from the brink of extinction last year, and made it possible for PSP to survive and even grow a little in 2024.
But just like the Union’s lineup, there have been departures from our stable of contributors and we have to refresh our lineup of starters as well as our bench.
We are critically low on Daily Editors, a job that requires little more than a passion for correct detail, a modicum of user skills and as little as two hours per week – more if you would like. As many as five daily editorial positions are available. And it’s a great way to easily pump up your resume with minimal effort.
PSP is also low on writers to cover the Union, the upcoming Club World Cup, US Open Cup, the area’s USL2 teams, Philadelphia International Unity Cup, Philadelphians Abroad, local college, amateur and youth league news. “Fan’s View” commentary article writers are always welcome and we could always use another good sports photojournalist or two.
Writers and photographers assigned by PSP can get press credentials for Union and UnionII matches, so you might find yourself in the Press Box or on the field some day.
Got web skills? PSP is planning on updating and renovating our appearance, features and functionality. Perhaps you can be one of the experts who can make that happen as well.
How do you apply for one of these fantastically rewarding opportunities? Just click the almost imperceptible “Contact” button at the top of the page and enter your name, email address and a brief note stating your interest.
JOIN the Philly area’s most widely read and respected online soccer newspaper today. Be a Philly Soccer Page journalist.