Philly Soccer Page Info

Introducing PSP’s new editors

Photo: Marjorie Elzey

As we hinted in our last update, we have good news to share about the future of PSP.  

After our call for volunteers two weeks ago, we received an outpouring of interest from people interested in being a part of PSP’s future.  We’re happy to announce that we’ve found new leadership to take the site forward into 2024.

Our new co-managing editors will be Matt Custer and Kyle Grantham.

Matt has been a PSP contributor for several years, most recently working as a daily editor and handling the Footy on the Telly feature.  Matt recently retired and brings extensive experience in project and volunteer management to the table.

Kyle is new to the site but not to the Philly soccer community.  He’s worked for a number of outlets as a professional photojournalist — including the Wilmington News Journal — and now handles digital communications for a government official in Delaware.  Kyle has serious journalism chops and brings preexisting relationships with the Union’s PR team.

Matt and Kyle are going to work together to take PSP forward, with support behind the scenes from our outgoing editorial team.  We’re optimistic that these two will bring an infusion of ideas and energy into PSP while maintaining our core strength — our journalistic approach that fuels our smart and high-quality coverage and commentary.

What comes next? 

Matt and Kyle are going to take some time to set up the PSP staff for next year, incorporating the many new volunteers with our returning veterans.  (If you’re interested in being part of the team, there’s still time to reach out!)

In the meantime, PSP will be fairly quiet for the next month or so, with a couple exceptions.

Matt is working on a recap of the Union’s crazy 2023 season, while Pete is preparing to drop his long-anticipated follow up to 2017’s “Every player in Union history, ranked” piece.  Look for those at some point over the next two weeks.

PSP expects to resume its regular publication schedule at the start of February.

We can’t thank Matt and Kyle enough for stepping up to lead the site, just like we can’t thank our community enough for their support.

It’s been an honor to serve as stewards of PSP for the last few years, and we’re excited to see what new heights the site can reach in the years to come.

Peter Andrews and Chris Gibbons


  1. Thanks again for all you’ve done over the last few years, Pete and Chris. Hopefully, even if you are not involved in the day to day operations of PSP, you’ll still get to enjoy as many Union games as possible.
    One question regarding activity during the “dark” month. Will PSP post news items such as signing new players? Or should I plan to look elsewhere to find this information for the time being?

  2. Awesome! Congrats to Matt and Kyle, and a hearty THANK YOU for keeping us together!

  3. Fantastic. Looking forward to more PSP.

  4. A big thanks to Matt and Kyle for taking on the job of keeping PSP going. Also to Pete and Chris for the incredible job they have done over the years! I hope any of the outgoing staff will return as commenters and possibly even guest content in the future. Matt I wish you all the best in retirement life. Have a great holiday season everyone!!

  5. Very happy to hear this!!! Good luck Matt and Kyle!
    Also, I randomly ran across “Every player in Union history, ranked” again recently and wondered if there was every going to be a follow up ;~)

  6. OneManWolfpack says:

    This is excellent news! Psyched for what’s ahead!!

  7. thanks to all for past contributions and the future work for this new team and all things soccer.

  8. What a great Christmas gift! Thank you, Matt and Kyle. The insightful content and the passionate comments on this site are integral to my Union experience. This is very welcome news. Thanks again.

  9. Great news! Thank you to Matt and Kyle for volunteering to take over as managing editors and thank you to Peter and Chris for your work over the years. It is much appreciated.

  10. Great news!!! So excited this page is continuing!

  11. Thank you for stepping up. This is great news. We are very blessed to have the best supporters in MLS!

    Many Thanks to Pete and Chris and the crew that carried PSP this far.

  12. As a PSP writer (the Union II “beat”) I echo all the appreciation above to Pete and Chris.
    I also would give a gentle “shout out” to founding editors Ed Farnsworth and Dan Walsh who actualized the original vision of the eight from West Philly well enough that the project has thrived into its third incarnation.

  13. Kyle Grantham says:

    Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I’m looking forward to helping PSP continue the outstanding legacy of sports journalism and hopefully help the site grow and modernize a bit in the process. I know Matt is also looking forward to supporting all the outstanding volunteers we’ve got here.

    Hope everyone enjoys the holiday season!

  14. Yea for us. Yea for you. Man…happy happy.

  15. Matt and Kyle, thank you both so much!

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