The players greet some of their younger fans.
Haris Medunjanin stretches out before the match.
The guys take their last minute preparations.
Ilsinho moves the ball through the middle.
CJ makes his way towards the net.
Chris Pontius moves past Lee Nguyen.
Kai Kamara’s failed bicycle kick results in…
…a concussion check on Oguchi Onyewu by trainer Paul Rushing.
Jack Elliott started another match at center back.
Je-Vaughn Watson picks up a yellow.
Derrick Jones picks up his 7th start of the season.
I’d like to see a lot more breakaways from Fafa.
I don’t have time for your ish.
Giliano Wijnaldum handled the left back duties.
Roland Alberg seals it with his beautiful goal to make 3-0.
For additional photos please check out Earl Gardner’s page.