Video: Daniel Studio
PSP videographer/photographer Daniel Gajdamowicz was at Talen Energy Stadium on Thursday for Philadelphia Union’s Media, the day when technical staff and players talk to the press ahead of the the start of the next phase of preseason training in Florida, which begins Tuesday, Feb. 2.
Below are a collection of videos from the day.
Welcome to the new dreamers.
Welcome to the dream.
Welcome to the young players.
Welcome to the aspiring artists.
100s and 100s and 100s of hours ::: 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of hours- this is what it takes that which is latent talent being turned into a skill, at the local level, the development level, the national level, the love level, a deep need to be the best – that is insatiable and unwavering in its ‘single mindedness… like nails’
over and over and over and over and over again. A way of life.
Rocky: You’re crazy.
Mickey: What else is new.
Hopefully you weren’t no bum from around the street when your career is over and over and over and over again. A way of life. The game is who you are, right?
Earnie Stewart certainly has a professional mindset…when answering question related to time off and vacation days and aspiring to world class…”The combination of those two things I don’t get,”- I hear you sir… and no, I’m not an elitist as I’ve been referred to.
This dude is a breath of fresh air.
The question was dying for a follow up…. the next question by the/a media member should have been “So can you compare what you have just said to what you saw in Holland at the professional level”… too bad… played right into exactly what he was commenting on regarding the ‘softer side’ of our national soccer media as evidenced in this particular local professional setting moving on to next question happily…
…there was a golden opportunity to expound on what it is that sets the european model apart from the MLS model by a man who lived it, played it, directed it and is now experiencing from the other side.
These differences need to be a front and center part of the conversation so we can begin altering our paradigm.
+ 1. Earnie just shit talked how soft MLS is compared the to the rest of the world. Here its a game with vacations. There is an obsession
I am just glad to have him with us, I want to hug him. sorry is that a bit weird?
All three kids in this vid. Rosenberry with a couple volley attempts and some solid crosses, Yaro with some heads-up D, Fabian with a nicely taken goal (from Yaro’s mistake) and almost a nice assist.
I found Earnie’s comment about filling the rosters interesting. I guess there’s no real need to fill every spot, in case you want to add someone later. Still, interesting.
Agreed, I felt like that statement was aimed right at all of us here on the PSP boards.
Maybe, or it just might be targeted at all of the Twitter and facebook on your belly legs kicking arms swinging loud crying comments/tweets from the General public Union fans. Can, I say that?
Does C.J. write self help books in the off-season? If not he should. And WTH is a beep test? Is that what he said?
I heard it as “beef” test. No idea what he actually said and I listened to it 3 times.
I’m assuming he means a fitness test.
the beep test is a common endurance test
Thank you. Never heard it called that before – always just “fitness test”.
i just noticed, there isn’t a link to curtin’s interview