Andre Blake warms up before the match.
Brian Brown was on the bench for the Union.
Fred hangs loose before his name rings out all over PPL Park.
Last minute water before the match begins.
Sheanon Williams serves up the ball.
Henry goes in for a tackle on Andrew Wenger.
Conor Casey scores another one for the Union.
Seba charges at the ball as it’s saved.
Vincent Nogueira battles with Dax McCarty.
Big Country plots his next move.
Wenger goes up in the air.
Chaco pulled his hamstring…
…and had to be replaced by Fred.
Sunset over the River End.
Best to keep your hands off of Ray Gaddis.
Mo Edu held down the defense.
Ray unleashes a pass up pitch.
Ethan White teamed with Edu at centerback.
Fred makes it 2-0.
I’d be scared too.
Casey wasn’t letting up in the box looking for a second goal.
Jim Curtin yells instructions.
Bradley Wright-Phillips nets the Red Bulls only goal.
Casey looks for service from Seba.
Cahill takes out Edu in the box.
Seba nets another one…
…and climbs into the River End.
Jim Curtin walks out PPL Park with 3 points.
For additional photos please check out Earl Gardner’s Flickr page.
mccarty needs to grow sideburns or something, his hair looks weird as hell
Looks like Jimmy McLaughlin dyed his hair red and put on a Dax jersey.
Great work Earl! Love the SOBs “family” picture. The Henry tackle on Wenger is another great shot too.